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General Rules


  • Open to JANN members and subscribers.
  • Participants must be registered users of the website.
  • Executive members and members directly related to any member of the executive body are not eligible to participate
  • Submissions must be original work created specifically for the challenge.

Challenge Theme:

  • The theme for this challenge is ‘RUNNING SCENARIO’. Create an animation of a runner within a specific scenario, for example, someone running at the Olympics, someone running from a bolder, or someone running on a treadmill, etc. Feel free to include as many secondary elements as you wish, but the focus should be on the characters run within the scenario. The background can be as simple as you want, just as long as it conveys what it needs to.
  • Use any art style, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, xD, Stop motion, ‘wi nuh care’
  • All submissions must adhere to the given theme.

Submission Requirements:

How to submit final video:


  • September 1st, 2024 @11:59pm, Jamaican time.
  • All entries must be submitted by the deadline to be considered.

Entry Limits:

  • Each participant may submit one entry per challenge.

Content Guidelines


  • All animations must be original and created by the participant.
  • Use of copyrighted material is prohibited unless proper permissions are obtained.


  • Content must be suitable for a general audience.
  • Submissions should not contain graphic violence, sexual content, or offensive material.

Technical Quality:

  • Ensure good audio quality if sound is included. However, sound is not required
  • Avoid watermarks, logos, or text that distract from the animation.

Judging Criteria

Creativity and Originality:

  • How unique and innovative is the concept?
  • Is the animation engaging and interesting?

Technical Skill:

  • Quality of animation (smoothness, timing, etc.).
  • Effective use of color, lighting, and composition.

Adherence to Theme:

  • How well does the animation fit the given theme or prompt?

Overall Impact:

  • The overall impression of the animation.
  • Emotional and storytelling impact.

Prizes and Recognition


  • Prizes will be awarded for 1st place only.
  • Honorable mentions may be given at the judges' discretion.

Prize Details:

  • The prize for this challenge will be - Dynamic Character Animation with Blender (a course by Tonq ) | Course trailer -
  • The course will be gifted to the email address of the winner, i.e. The email address you registered with.


  • Winning entries will be showcased on the website and related social media channels.
  • Participants retain full rights to their work but grant the Jamaica Animation Nation Network permission to display and promote their entries.

Terms and Conditions


  • By entering, participants agree to abide by these rules and the website's terms of service.
  • The Jamaica Animation Network reserves the right to disqualify any entry that violates these guidelines.


  • Entries may be disqualified for plagiarism, inappropriate content, or failure to adhere to submission guidelines.
  • Disqualified entries will not be eligible for prizes.

Modification and Cancellation:

  • The Jamaica Animation Nation Network reserves the right to modify or cancel the challenge if necessary.
  • Participants will be notified of any changes via the website.