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Before JANN became an association, it started as a Facebook group on April 11, 2009, for local artists, animators and anyone interested in animation to produce and share their work and knowledge towards developing an active animation community. Today, the community is very active with over 1,500 members on our Facebook Group and 300 persons in our mailing list to date. The members consist of artists, modellers, animators, writers, actors and filmmakers who participate in challenges, discussions, knowledge exchange, workshops, and friendly collaborations. If you are interested in animation on any level, feel free to join and be a part of a continuously growing community that will shape the future of the industry in Jamaica. JANN was founded by Corretta Singer, Tanya G. Davies, Kevin Jackson, Roger Davis and D’Oyen Williams in December 2012 and became incorporated in July 2013. The association is a response to the need to ensure that Jamaica’s new animation industry develops in a manner that serves the best interests of not only the animation studios but the driving force of the industry, the animators. Jamaica has a thriving creative culture with excellent artists and animators eager to work in outsourcing and develop local IP. 

What is JANN?

It is a membership-based organization run by volunteer members. JANN’s goals are to promote our members' talents locally and internationally to support studios demand for creatives, training institutions need for placement and improved education as well as the advancement of local Government's policy development.  

JANN Vision

  • Enabling, Empowering and Exercising M.O.T.I.O.N in Jamaican lives
  • Movement: upward mobility, increased exposure
  • Ovation: recognition, encouragement, reward
  • Technique: standards-based training, pedagogy, verified skill Ingenuity: changing perspectives, harnessed thought
  • Originality: use, respect and protection of IP, promotion of our own stories
  • Networking: community, value-chains, teams

Mission Statement

To build Jamaican animation into a valuable product and a viable way of life by ensuring quality education and access to world-class tools and opportunities. We endeavour to this by providing support to training institutions with their curriculum, students with studio and market readiness and building relationships with studios and other animation organizations across the world to collaborate and co-produce.


Connected | Creative | Animated Connected – We build relationships with people and entities that can help provide knowledge, employment and facilitate policy changes that will benefit the industry.

Connections solve problems.

Creative – We bring together the creatives that can build the capacity needed to fuel the industry. Opportunity Favours the Prepared #OFTP

Animated – We want a country of producers and service providers. The more we show, the more we grow Benefits Access to monthly meetings Networking with professional animation artist Listing in the online portfolio page Workshops Animation content catalogue listing Lobbying to Government and Training institutions Access to the job board